Philippe Cousin
Originally from County Mayo in the west of Ireland, David Munnelly was brought up in a family very involved in music. His grandmother taught him traditional music, in particular the diatonic accordion and the melodeon.
For nearly 30 years, he has embarked on a musical career that has taken him all over the world. And because David is naturally curious and keen to explore what's being done elsewhere, he has studied and worked on other repertoires, particularly those of continental Europe. In 2011, this led him to create the Samurai quintet alongside accordionists from Italy, Belgium, France, Finland and the Basque Country. He even took his accordion 180° away from the Irish tradition with the album Aonair in 2018.
Now he's returning to tradition with an album explicitly named Retro. A collection of ten tracks that revisit reels (The Girl that Broke my Heart, Carraigín Cuain), jigs (Tommy McCarthy's, Wandering Minstrel), hornpipes (The Bell Harbour), flings (The Pride of the Flock) and, most original of all, a song, Paddy's Green Shamrock Shore, that allows us to appreciate his deep voice for the first time, carried by the delicate accompaniment of his devil's box. A brilliant, invigorating track if ever there was one.
David is assisted by his long-time friend Mick Connelly, who has already played on several of his previous albums, adding a special flavour to the precise, refined playing of this talented accordionist.
From the first to the last note of Retro, D. Munnelly is at the top of his playing, giving the listener the chance to grasp every nuance of his music. One of the finest accordionists on the Irish scene.
Autoproduit - www.davidmunnelly.com